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  1. Let's greet everyone =D
    Greetings are an act of communication in which human being intentionally make their presence known to each other and to show attention.

    How to greet other people 
    1. Good (morning, afternoon, evening, night.)
    2. Hello
    3. How 
      • Are you ?
      • Are you getting along?
      • Are you doing?

    How to introduce yourself 

    • Let me introduce my self, my name is ....
    • Hello, I'm ....
    • Hi, I'm .... You can call me ....
    • Hello, My name is ....

    How to introduce other people 
    • I would like to introduce ....
    • I would like you to meet ....
    • Excuse me, let me introduce you a new friend. His name is ....

    How to close or end conversation 
    • Well I should be going now. See you !
    • Well I must be off now. I'll talk to you later !
    • I'm sorry, but i have to go now, It's been nice talking with you. See you later !

    Formal Greeting:
    • Good morning (use person's name). How are you?
    • Good afternoon (use person's name). How are you?
    • Good evening (use person's name). How are you?

    • Good morning: midnight until 12 noon.
    • Good afternoon: 12 noon until 6 p.m.
    • Good evening: 6 p.m. until midnight.

    Informal Introductions
    Udin: Ross, this is Harry my friend from Medan.
    Ross: Hello, Harry. Nice to meet you.
    Harry: Hello, Ross. Nice to meet you too.

    Formal Introductions

    Lia: Nanda, allow me to introduce you to my Auntie Kate from Australia.
    Nanda: I'm very pleased to meet you Auntie Kate.
    Auntie Kate: I'm very pleased to meet you too, Nanda.

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